Hot Potatoes kind of left me cold.

The concept behind Hot Potatoes is a very good one: teachers and educators of all kinds can either share completed quizzes and in-class exercises with other teachers via file-sharing, or teachers can use the software available on the sire to create various quizzes and exercises of their own. As I stated before, this is admirable. However, for those among us that are not computer literate or at ease with technology in general and digital media in particular, this set up is very intimidating and can be a bit confusing. While the website was not terribly difficult to navigate, the construction of exercises was a bit intimidating and difficult. The creation of the game was troubled and I constantly had to back-track in order to come up with something coherent. I n the end I simply threw my hands in the air. Perhaps if Dr. Cyrus perched on my shoulder and guided me step-by-step through this process I could have created something usable and interesting. As is, it was kind of a bust.
Hot Potatoes gets a 2 out of a possible score of 4 from this reviewer.
Hot Potatoes gets a 2 out of a possible score of 4 from this reviewer.
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